Homelessness is more than just rooflessness, it is about the lack of stable, secure and affordable accommodation.
There are visible and invisible homeless, with many more hidden from view than those sleeping rough.
Homelessness is a serious problem and people believe it will get worse but there are solutions to homelessness that require cross-departmental strategies.
Evidence demonstrates the damaging long-term effects of homelessness on health. The long-term impact on children’s health includes physical changes in brain structure, negatives, educational outcomes and adverse long-term social and psychological outcomes.
There is strong evidence to suggest that tackling poverty through increasing income and good quality housing are effective ways to achieve multiple positive health outcomes across the life course.
People can recover from homelessness, recovery is often a journey without an end point. People can change, the brain can be re-wired, but it takes time, specialist skills and support.
This type of activity is endless but includes: confidence, social interaction, physical activeness and a decrease in stress and anxiety.
Achieve a sense of worth and purpose which can really help with confidence and that feeling of belonging. The programme welcomes anyone with open arms, whether they have played Rugby before or not.
We have a team on hand to offer Social Support to those who need it.
We can support you to make life changes and eventually find jobs and housing.
We play regular games of Touch Rugby against other teams and train twice weekly. We strongly encourage our players who have been with us for a while to continue playing so they can help to support the new players coming in who were in their position in the past.
Our homeless rugby and football teams support past or present homeless players and anyone who wishes to participate in sport to find a new challenge and direct their attention to a positive focus by joining a team environment. They meet new people, feel like they have meaning and new responsibilities. We then also support them to make life changes and eventually find jobs and housing. Our homeless team plays regular games of touch rugby against other teams and train twice weekly. We strongly encourage our players who have been with us for a while to continue playing so they can help to support the new players coming in who were in their position in the past. This is invaluable experience that really brings the team together. We work closely with other organisations across Worcester who also support people in desperate need.
The project aims to give people a sense of worth and purpose which can really help with confidence and that feeling of belonging. The programme welcomes anyone with open arms, whether they have played rugby before or not.
Registered Address: Royal Porcelain Works, Severn street, Worcester, WR1 2NE
Registered Charity in England No: 1133136